Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Expanding My Photographic Horizons Part I

With a few years under my belt, I am proud of the progression of my skill and quality of photographs. But I just want more.

I read alot of photography books and practice with my DSLR in manual mode. You have no idea how much you learn just by reading photography magazines and books (I highly recommend it)!

Looking to expand my reportoire in photography, I have been looking at eBay for ideas on new equipment. I have made up my mind on what I would like.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Rebecca's Wintery Adventure

With the weather finally warming up but has the perfect amount of warmth and snowy landscape, I took Rebecca out with her winter gear for a little photoshoot.

I am a super fan of Rebecca. I love everything about her - her curly hair, her Josefina mold, her hazel eyes. I bought Rebecca's coat in February and I've been very sad that I couldn't go outside and shoot with Rebecca and her coat on.

I love milder weather.

Rebecca wading through the thick snow in her boots.